About NA in Guam

The earliest recollection of Narcotics Anonymous on Guam was in the 80’s. Back then, membership was mostly those living abroad. It wasn’t until the 90’s that we had active local members. Early 2000’s, the fellowship struggled with only 3 members actively participating. As our recovery experience grew, so did our attraction to the program. In turn, our membership has increased dramatically. We have many members with multiple years, and some with decades of being drug-free.

Majority of our members’ first experience with meetings have been through referrals from treatment centers and our local court system. Some have also had the opportunity to receive our message of recovery within our prison walls through our H & I efforts. The relationship we have with these organizations is one of cooperation, not affiliation. We share the same common goal, to help the still suffering addict. Others who find our meetings are through our member’s efforts who share what the program has to offer, as we meet individuals in our daily lives, who are struggling with drug use.

Guam is a small island. We have all been affected by someone who has fallen sick to the disease of addiction. Whether it would be a friend, a coworker, or even a loved one. The drug problem in Guam is here and it is not going away.

The Narcotics Anonymous Program is a credible program of recovery. All we ask is that you come to a meeting and listen. What we have to offer is hope, that an addict, any addict, can stop using drugs, and learn a new way of life. This is a 12-step program that contains the spiritual principles which are our guide to our NA way of life. Our more experienced members help guide new members through these steps. Through peer-to-peer support, by way of sponsor and sponsee relationships, we learn to live life again without the use of drugs.

Today, our local service structure consists of 4 groups with regular weekly meetings. A total of 11 meetings weekly, one of which is a hybrid meeting through Zoom platform, and we have one weekly meeting in prison. There is a meeting every day of the week which helps us stay connected to the fellowship of NA. Our groups also hold events throughout the year to show that we can still have fun without the use of drugs.

We are just a bunch of addicts who have lived through the horrors of addiction. On our own, we were unable to stop using drugs, but together, we have found a new way to live, the NA WAY.

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